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General Information


Monday - Friday

7:30am - 2:30pm

Registration Information

Registration will continue until classes begin or until maximum class limits are met. If you have any questions, call 363-READ(7323).

Student Orientation for the tuition free classes is schedule on a regular basis. Please call for dates and to register for orientation. Registration and enrollment for the full-time program is taken prior to the beginning of the class. 


It is the policy of the Marion County Board of Education to maintain and promote equal educational opportunity and employment without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, handicap or national origin. 

The West Virginia Department of Education recognizes that today's workplace presents numerour opportunities and challenges for adults in West Virginia. Employers need workers with strong basic skils and an ability to adapt to change. Today's families are faced with multiple responsibilities as they address their children's educational needs, as well as, their own. Special populations, such as the homeless and incarcerated, must deal with additional challenges in order to lead safe and productive lives. 


To effectively serve foundational learning needs of these diverse groups, a learning system that is flexible and responsive is necessary. The Adult Basic Education Program (ABE) of the West Virginia Department of Education has developed such a system for adult learners. ABE programs provide adults with the opportunity to acquire and improve functional skills necessary to enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs play an important role in fostering productive employment, effective citizenship, personal and family growth, self-esteem, and dignity for adult learners. 

Students can....

  • Study to pass the new high school equivalency test, HSE

  • Gain the necessary skills to meet the entrance requirements for vocational or other educational placement programs

  • Obtain problem-solving and thinking skills needed to meet the growing demands of higher education requirements

  • Obtain computer skills to access information that is needed to become knowledgable in today's Information Age

  • Gain the speaking, listening, reading, writing, thinking and math skills needed to acquire or advance in a job

  • Earn certificates to document mastery of important job readiness and work foundation skills

  • Obtain problem solving and thinking skills needed to meet the growing demands around you

  • All Adult Basic Education classes are free of charge


Through Adult Basic Education Programs
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